North Hill Lodge #210 F & A M

August 12, 2023: Congratulations WB Christopher Carver, North Hill Lodge's newly Installed Worhipful Master! Pictures to Follow.

February 11, 2022:

The Brethren of North Hill Lodge were treated to a wonderful dinner with their ladies. WB Alex Austin catered a wonderful meal for the Brethren and their Ladies. WM Fred is doing a great job getting the Lodge busy again, post-_______.

January 29, 2022:

North Hill Lodge recently attended a Spokane Chiefs hockey game. The ladies came with us and all who attended had a great time of fraternity and fellowship. It was pretty cool to see our name in lights! Pictures to follow.

January 28, 2022:

Brother Chris Parker was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason! Congrats, Bro. Chris!

Pictured Below with Worshipful Brother Fred Mark, PM (2021-2022)